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Application Procedure

  1. Hand in the form online or Accompanied by parent/guardian, submit the completed application form with the original and photocopy of the following documents :

    • A recent passport size photo

    • A completed application form

    • Photocopy of applicant’s HKID Card or Passport

    • Photocopy of parent’s / guardian’s HKID Card or Passport

    • Photocopy of academic report cards for the past years

    • Photocopy of certificates showing applicant’s academic & non-academic achievements

    • Proof of residential address (within the past 3 months) e.g. a water bill, a bank statement

    • A marked writing sample in English from the most recent academic year (this could be any writing assignment that was marked and commented on by a teacher)

  2. Applicants will be asked to attend interviews.

  3. Successful applications will be notified by phone/mail/email.

  4. Fields with asterisks are a must to fill in for this online application. Data collected will be used by the school only to facilitate students' applications.

  5. This online application is voluntary for the person to supply the data online, not compulsory. Applications can also be made in-person at school.

Important Dates for S1 Applicants:

Round 1:

End of September, 2024

Round 2:

End of November, 2024

Round 3:

End of January, 2025

**Applications received from February onwards will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Admission Criteria

  1. Academic and language ability

  2. Conduct and attitude

  3. Participation in extra-curricular activities and social services

  4. Interview performance

  5. Parental support and others as deemed necessary

Delia Memorial School (Glee Path)


Mailing: 1-3, Glee Path, Mei Foo Sun Chuen, Kowloon

Email :

For any enquiries, please call: (+852) 2741-5239

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