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Geography is a discipline that enables us to understand the Earth in which we live from a spatial and an ecological perspective.  It develops knowledge and understanding of the distribution of physical and human phenomena, and interprets patterns and processes that affect our physical and human worlds. Geography is also concerned with the interactions between people and environments. It looks at how physical systems affect human activities and how human actions modify physical environments. 


As a school subject, geography stimulates students’ interest in and a sense of wonder about people, places and environments. Geography also facilitates students to develop world knowledge and understanding. It provides the essential background knowledge for understanding many important global issues such as climate change, globalisation, changing availability of water resources, population and urban problems.


Another major role of geography in the school curriculum is to equip students with geographical enquiry skills that are essential for developing spatial and environmental understanding of the world. Geographical enquiry encourages critical investigation of issues that affect the world and people’s lives, now and in the future. Through the study of geography, students will be equipped with the ability to identify and ask questions from a geographical perspective, to locate and extract appropriate information from a variety of sources relevant to the enquiry, to present and organise to make informed decisions to handle challenges in the future, to cultivate their values and responsibilities to other people and the environment, as well as to explore their own place in the world.

Panel Members
Useful Links

1. Geography 101

2. National Geographic 

3. Hong Kong Observatory 



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