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GP Family Time-Capsule

The portfolio is one of Glee Path characteristics. Using a portfolio not only helps our students to record their learning process but also provides a platform for them to communicate with their parents. In developing the portfolio, it is very important to set a SMART goal, meaning Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. 

A goal could be set for short-term or long-term. In our portfolio, we set our academic goal and personal goal. But it is also important to recognize what we want to achieve after our secondary school study in Glee Path. Thus, we gather all our family members together to develop a time-capsule. The time-capsule contains our goals of S1 students 6 years later. We believe that recognizing who they want to be 6 years later could help them to understand more what they needed to achieve every year. It is also crucial for our senior students in the family to set their goals in short-term, they may graduate soon, and it is very clear that they need to know exactly what they want to achieve before they graduate. 

Through our GP family, we had lots of fun together to discuss our future.

GP Family Christmas Party on ZOOM

We miss you glee pathers! Although we are unable to have our Christmas party face to face this year, we are able to meet online in the very special day! It was fun playing lots of game with you guys as well as understanding you much more reviewing your portfolio! Merry Christmas and Happy new year!

 GP Family Flag Selling

Our GP Family members went to flag selling to support the community on 14-November-2020. It has been a year that very difficult for the community, we, the glee pathers, gather together to contribute what we can give to the society! Surely, with our GP family, we enjoyed much during the time!

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GP Family First Gathering 9-Oct-2020

Although it is not easy to meet you all face-to-face, but we still manage to spread love though the internet!

This is the first time that GP Family adopted the online platform to kick off our year 2020 to 2021, we set our goal in future, and hopefully through GP Family, we will facilitate all of you to achieve your goal 6 years later!

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