Cast Your Vote ✅ at DC Election on 10 December
The District Council election will be held shortly on 10 December. Ethnic minority electors, we need your votes!
Different ethnic minority languages (Nepali, Urdu, Hindi, Bahasa Indonesia, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Thai, and Punjabi) are used to call on EM electors to vote in the coming DC election. Remember: cast your vote at DC election on 10 December for a better community!
If you require assistance in interpreting the information on voting, please call the Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents through the following hotlines from 27 November to 1 December 2023, and from 4 to 10 December 2023:
Thai ☎3755 6866
Urdu ☎3755 6833
Hindi ☎3755 6877
Nepali ☎3755 6822
Punjabi ☎3755 6844
Tagalog ☎3755 6855
Vietnamese ☎3755 6888
Bahasa Indonesia ☎3755 6811
各位少數族裔選民 12.10區選齊投票✅
泰語 ☎3755 6866
印尼語 ☎3755 6811
印地語 ☎3755 6877
越南語 ☎3755 6888
尼泊爾語 ☎3755 6822
旁遮普語 ☎3755 6844
他加祿語 ☎3755 6855
烏爾都語 ☎3755 6833